Ariadne on Naxos (1510 - 1530) by Filippo da Verona, Girolamo dai Libri and Josaphat Araldi. Original public domain image… Image from public domain licenseThe Magnanimity of Scipio Africanus (ca. 1500 (Renaissance)) by Attributed to Michele da Verona Image from public domain licenseAriadne on Naxos (1510 - 1530) by Filippo da Verona, Girolamo dai Libri and Josaphat Araldi Image from public domain licenseInitial S: The Conversion of Saint Paul by Pisanello and Master of the Antiphonal Q of San Giorgio Maggiore Image from public domain licenseCloseup on Lion of St. Mark, Piazza delle Erbe. Free public domain CC0 image. Image from public domain licenseVirgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Cecilia and Catherine of Alexandria Image from public domain licenseMadonna and Child with Saints by Bonifacio de' Pitati (Bonifacio Veronese) Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with Singing Monks in an Initial D, from a Psalter by Girolamo dai Libri Image from public domain licenseManuscript Illumination with the Holy Women at the Tomb in an Initial A, from an Antiphonary by Girolamo dai Libri Image from public domain licenseTheatro Filarmonico (Philharmonic Theater) of the Accademia Filarmonica (Philharmonic Academy), Auditorium and Main Entrance… Image from public domain licenseSaint Catherine of Alexandria in Prison by Paolo Veronese (Paolo Caliari) Image from public domain licenseMary Magdalen with long wavy blonde hair, seated, leaning her PL upper arm on a table with heavy turned leg; Mary wears a… Image from public domain licenseAmpitheater of Verona, plate 25 from Some Views of Triumphal Arches and other monuments by Giovanni Battista Piranesi Image from public domain licenseChrist on the cross, Saint John to the right looking toward him, to the left is the fainting Virgin Mary supported by two… Image from public domain licenseLamentation over the dead Christ. Pietà. Original from the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Image from public domain licenseValentine rescuing Silvia from Proteus, from Shakespeare's "The Two Gentlemen of Verona," Act V, Scene 4, the Outlaws' Cave Image from public domain licenseshades of brown/tan; male and female figures wearing foliate skirts at right; angel flying behind them, carrying a dagger in… Image from public domain licensePonte Pietra over de rivier de Adige in Verona (1911) by Wijnand Otto Jan Nieuwenkamp Image from public domain licenseSheet of Studies for "The Martyrdom of Saint George" (recto); Studies of a House, Tree, Heads, Artist's Tools, Decorative… Image from public domain licenseTwo Standing Male Figures (recto); A Man Reclining and Other Studies (verso) by Andrea Mantegna Image from public domain licenseVerona - Chiesa di Santa Maria in Organo. Un Dettaglio del Candelabro in legno intagliato. (Fra. Giov. da Verona) by… Image from public domain licenseshades of brown/tan; Adam seated in foreground, upper body twisted to PL, holding forbidden fruit; Eve partially reclining… Image from public domain licenseAn episode in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet": the nurse enters Juliet's bedroom to awaken her, but finds her… Image from public domain licenseJuliet, kneeling between the bodies of Romeo and Paris in the burial crypt of the Capulets, is about to stab herself in the… Image from public domain licenseArena van Verona (1800 - 1830) by Angelo Biasioli, D Mancanzoni and Teodora gravin Solci Image from public domain licenseCrucifixion (c. 1360 - c. 1370) by Altichiero da Verona and Niccolò da Foligno Image from public domain licenseSaint Peter and Saint John Healing the Lame Man, by Fra Filippo Lippi by Caldesi and Montecchi Image from public domain licenseKaart van Veneto (1735) by anonymous, Vicenzo Maria Coronelli, erven J Ratelband and Co and Daniel de Lafeuille Image from public domain licenseArena van Verona (c. 1543 - c. 1567) by Enea Vico, Lelius Quintus Flaminius, Clemens Agatius, Senaat van Venetië, Pauselijk… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op de Arena van Verona (1724) by anonymous, Rutgert Christoffel Alberts, Staten van Holland en West Friesland and… Image from public domain licenseGezicht op Verona in vogelvluchtperspectief (1693 - 1717) by anonymous and Anna Beeck Image from public domain licenseKoning Lodewijk XVIII en het Congres van Verona, 1822 (1823) by J Lewis Marks and Samuel W Fores Image from public domain licenseGualfardo of Verona (Wolfhard of Augsburg) kneeling in front of an angel. Engraving, 17--. Image from public domain licenseSospensione di commercio con la Turingia, e langraviato d'Assia / Francesco Rossetti. Image from public domain licenseStudy for Venice Receiving Homage and Gifts from Brescia, Udine, Padua, and Verona, with Doge Francesco Venier Presenting… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Verona, Illinois. The brakeman gives the highball sign after the train on the… Image from public domain licenseVerona, Illinois. The brakeman gives the highball sign after the train on the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad… Image from public domain license